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Artificial Intelligence (3)

Car with AI images

3 min read

AI and the Evolution of Dealership Marketing

Digital advertising has been on the rise for many years and is now amplified by the evolution of AI-driven advertising tools. The COVID-19 pandemic...

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car dealer using car dealership software solution on ipad inside a dealership

2 min read

What Car Dealership Software Solutions Do Successful Dealers Use?

Last Updated February 22, 2024 Dealers in 2024 have a lot to track, including customers, employees, advertising, and more. How can a dealership...

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computer screen with charts and data

2 min read

How to Use Car Dealership Software to Streamline Your Operations

From keeping track of customers and employees to your running your website and ads, if you’re an auto dealer, you have a lot to manage. Here are four...

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used inventory on a dealership's lot

2 min read

3 Ways to Shift Focus to Used Car Inventory

Updated April 11th, 2024 Many auto dealers tend to fixate on moving their new car new inventory, but with a recent surge in used car movement now is...

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2 min read

Dealers: Leverage Your Content to Keep Your Shoppers

The average automotive shopper visits less than 2.5 lots before purchasing a vehicle. The decision to buy is made online before they step foot in...

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