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3 min read

5 Common Car Dealership Marketing Mistakes (and How to Fix Them)

A 2023 study showed that 88% of customers research a car online before purchasing. With car buyers increasingly relying on digital channels, social media, and AI to make purchasing decisions, is your car dealership's marketing strategy attracting...

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Monitoring car dealer competition

2 min read

Car Dealership Marketing Strategies & Tools That Can Help Monitor Competition

Dealerships cannot remain successful if they are not staying informed on their competition. By utilizing price comparison platforms and inventory...

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2 min read

Artificial Intelligence: Improving the Automotive Industry

“It was the machines, Sarah. Defense network computers. New... powerful... hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a...

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Digital marketing for dealerships

2 min read

Rethinking Traditional Car Dealership Marketing Strategies & Why You Should Act Now

Digital advertising plays a pivotal role in the automotive industry, serving as a primary channel for reaching and engaging with potential car...

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3 min read

How AI is Improving Dealership Marketing

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized how businesses operate, with automotive dealerships being no exception. In the past, dealership marketing...

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