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Dealership Operations Status By State

Dealership Operations Status By State
Showroom Status by State

Interactive map of showroom and service status by state

Last updated: 6/03/2020 7:34 A.M. EST


As states and regional officials issue stay-at home orders requiring non-essential businesses to close, and as those stay-at-home orders get updated with additional detail and deadlines, this page will provide an up-to-date status of auto showroom and service business across the country.  

While most states are following CISA Guidelines for essential businesses, multiple states have taken the step of deeming auto sales as essential including Oregon, Nevada, and Ohio as of publishing.  Multiple other states are requiring non-essential business closures without issuing full stay-at-home policies.  Additionally, while not specificied on the map, several states including New York and Massachusetts are allowing virtual retailing to continue.

Our goal is to help you remain as up-to-date as possible, and add some certainty as situations change daily.

Hover over a state to get detail on the status of showrooms and service centers in that region, as well as detail on the number of dealerships and average monthly sales that could be affected by any stay-in-place orders.

State Showroom Non-Essential Business Shutdown Shelter-in-Place
Alabama Open Phasing Out Ended
Alaska Limited Phasing Out Ended*
Arizona Open Phasing Out Ended
Arkansas Open No None
California Limited Phasing Out Ended*
Colorado Limited Phasing Out Ended
Connecticut Limited Phasing Out Ended
Delaware Limited Phasing Out Ended
Florida Open Phasing Out Ended*
Georgia Limited Phasing Out Ended
Hawaii Limited Phasing Out Ended*
Idaho Limited Phasing Out Ended
Illinois Limited Phasing Out Ended
Indiana Open Phasing Out Ended*
Iowa Open No None
Kansas Open Phasing Out Ended*
Kentucky Limited Phasing Out Ended*
Louisiana Open Phasing Out Ended
Maine Open Phasing Out Ended*
Maryland Open Statewide Until Further Notice
Massachusetts Limited Phasing Out Ended
Michigan Limited Phasing Out Ended*
Minnesota Limited Statewide Ended*
Mississippi Open Phasing Out Ended
Missouri Open Phasing Out Ended
Montana Limited Phasing Out Ended
Nebraska Open No None
Nevada Open Phasing Out Ended
New Hampshire Open Phasing Out Ended*
New Jersey Limited Phasing Out Ended*
New Mexico Open Phasing Out Ended*
New York Limited Phasing Out Ended*
North Carolina Open Phasing Out Ended
North Dakota Open No None
Ohio Open Phasing Out Ended*
Oklahoma Limited Phasing Out Ended*
Oregon Open Phasing Out Ended*
Pennsylvania Limited Phasing Out Ended*
Rhode Island Limited Phasing Out Ended*
South Carolina Open Phasing Out Ended*
South Dakota Open No None
Tennessee Open Phasing Out Ended*
Texas Open (Except Dallas County) Phasing Out Ended
Utah Open Phasing Out None
Vermont Limited Phasing Out Ended*
Virginia Open Phasing Out Ended*
Washington Limited Phasing Out Ended*
West Virginia Limited Phasing Out Ended*
Wisconsin Limited Statewide* Ended*
Wyoming Open Phasing Out None

*Some Shelter-in-Place orders have specific rules around counties, age groups, business closures, and coalition benchmarks.

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